Welcome to auction Talk Blog
Bronstein Auction is you premiere source for Auctions in Orlando.
Join Lew Bronstein and the team for Auction Blog Talk where we discuss the opportunities, challenges and the direction our business is going!

What's up in the auction world this week in Orlando
Welcome to auction talk
Welcome to Bronstein Auction’s blog talk with Lew and the team!
Auction is our passion!
We love everything auction and want to share that with you!
Auction is one of the oldest professions in the world! It has transformed over the years but still remains the way that millions of items are transferred annually!
Whether it is the in person auction, digital auction or hybrid of the two auctions will not only always be here but bare becoming more integral every day in the new economic times we are facing!
Learn more about auctions and the resale industry!
It is our goal to help you learn about how auctions can save you money, open a second stream of income, solve challenges with setteling estates or closing businesses or just be your own personal treasure hunt!
One thing for sure auctions are fun and exciting!
Stay tuned weekly as we add to the Auction Talk Blog to help you get what you came for!
Have an amazing day and thank you for being part of the Bronstein Auction Family!
Auctions in Orlando are fun, save you money and you can find amazing treasures!
Need help please feel free to reach out to us at 407.917.7355 or 321.972.3295